Sunday, July 3, 2016

See photos from the incredible 2016 World Wife Carrying Championship

Posted By: Unknown - 2:24:00 AM

 At the World Wife Carrying Championship, husbands are made to complete a gruelling obstacle course while carrying their wives.

Many men from across the globe, Japan, America and Russia participated in this year's bizarre championship which took place in Sonkajaervi, Finland.

According to the rules, runners can compete with their own wife or somebody else's, and she must be
at least 17 years old.  The minimum weight of the wife is 7st 10lbs (49 kilos) - if she is lighter, she has to strap on a heavy rucksack until she reaches the desired minimum weight.

And if a competitor drops his companion, he has to lift her back onto his back and continue racing.
The track is around 250 metres long and has two dry obstacles and one water obstacle about a metre deep.

The winners of the competition are the pair who complete the course in the quickest time.

                                         This couple won the 2016 championship 

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